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Customer case


Assistance in choosing & Implementing an Integration Platform

Our customer is a French industrial food group operating in the cheese and dairy sectors, as well as in charcuterie, seafood and chocolate. The Group operates through two subsidiaries and employs over 20,000 people worldwide.
Logo Panzani sur fond d'usine agroalimentaire


Panzani achieves its SAP app carve-out in just 9 months with TeamWork

Following its transfer to the investment fund CVC Capital Partners, Panzani had to set up its own SAP information system. A conventional carve-out to be carried out in particularly short periods of time. A mission entrusted to TeamWork.
Voiture rouge qui roule sur les routes de montagne avec le logo Faurecia


Faurecia makes a strategic move to the cloud

Faurecia opts for a large-scale cloud project and lays the foundations for its new cloud data warehouse