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Manufacturing industry

Manufacturing industry

Serge Ferrari consolidates its IS and ERP around SAP solutions

Following two major acquisitions, the Serge Ferrari Group wanted to consolidate the IS of its various entities, in order to harmonize its processes, facilitate the management of its activities and secure the obsolescence of certain critical systems.
logo de l'entreprise Kem One sur un fond d'une travailleuse dans un bureau

Manufacturing industry

Kem One migrates its IT infrastructure to the public cloud

Kem One begins migration of its information system to the AWS public cloud in just a few months, thanks to VMware solutions and support from TeamWork
logo de l'entreprise Pellenc sur un fond de travailleurs de l'industrie manufacturière

Manufacturing industry

Industrie 4.0: PELLENC implements a remote diagnostics solution for its machines

With AWS and QSmart, TeamWork supported the company from design to production of "PELLENC CONNECT": a remote administration application to facilitate the preparation of machine interventions and optimize travel.
Femme et Homme en tenue de travail entrain de régler une machine

Manufacturing industry

Aldes Group combats supplier fraud with SAP & Sis ID

According to a study by the National Association and Finance DIrectors Management control, 48% of companies surveyed experienced supplier fraud in 2019 in order to obtain payment for false invoices.

Manufacturing industry

Creating quotations with DocBuilder at Gilgen Door Systems

Gilgen DS used MS Word to create quotations, but this was time-consuming, error-prone, and not integrated with the SAP system.